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Roller shutters

Lightweight and resistant shading system that combines functionality and aesthetics.

Serradura Serramenti Arredamenti (Solagna - Vicenza) fornisce avvolgibili (anche detti tapparelle) in alluminio coibentato, disponibili in varie colorazioni

Roller shutters in insulated aluminium

Roller shutters made with aluminum profiles insulated with high density polyurethane foam.

The insulation ensures greater thermal and acoustic insulation as well as greater impact resistance.

The movement of the roller shutters can be manual or motorised.​

Available in a wide range of chromatic tones.


Insulation and Resistance


roller shutters in insulated aluminum

Insulated Aluminium

Serradura Serramenti Arredamenti (Solagna - Vicenza) fornisce avvolgibili (anche detti tapparelle) in alluminio estruso, disponibili in varie colorazioni

Roller shutters in extruded aluminium

Rollershutters made from extruded aluminium profiles. 

Their robustness guarantees a high level of protection and durability.


The movement of the roller shutters can be manual or motorised.​

Available in a wide range of chromatic tones.


Robustness and



roller shutters in extruded aluminum



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